As a therapist, refining biodynamic touch and perception skills requires
an awareness of our own expression of health interfacing with the felt-sense
appreciation of ‘dynamic stillness’
To achieve this requires the practitioner to let go of the familiar so that the body can truly unfold without containment from the practitioners subtle intentions
* Word of caution, please consult your physician to help ascertain whether your physical condition is able to practice the content of the video's below
* These video's are best viewed on a computer screen. Mobile screens may alter position of wording
Non-doing | Stillness
Insight 2020
Ice bath prepping
Ice bath prepping breath-work
Together we are stronger
Ice bath immersion
Natural breath (Pran-ayama)
Craniosacral podcast with Ryan Halford - 'This'
Craniosacral podcast with Ryan Halford -
4 Chambers of non-doing
Lung packing breath-work
Raspberry blowing breath-work
Woman's Health week 2020 - Pelvic diaphragm
Inversion sequence - Handstand
Freedom from fear
Mens health week 2020 - Survival responses
Woman's Health week 2020 Muladhara
Juicing up the hip joints
Vascular optimising of prostate region
Stimulating and calming breath-work
Expansion on the body's survival responses
The attraction of kindness
Wrist flexibility
Mild hypoxia evoking breath-work
Yogic breath breath-work
Conch shell breath-work
Resting and reflecting on success
Supple as a slinky
Headstand physiologic effects and techniques
Hip opening headstand 1
Balancing the books
Levitation from headstand - don't try this one at home
Hip opening headstand 2
The joy of friendship
Nitrogen oxide evoking breath-work 1
Un-propped adapted crow pose
Nitrogen oxide evoking breath 2
Knight pose and the 'Quakes'
The Quakes
Scorpodile pose
Combo Quake
Alternative yoga props 2020
The love of another's presence
Cobblers pose
Prop supported crow pose