Body Intelligence Post Graduate Courses
Refining biodynamic touch and perception skills requires an orientation to deep health that includes a connection with a relational field of dynamic stillness.
To achieve this it needs the practitioner to let go of the familiar so that
the body can truly unfold itself without containment from the
practitioners subtle intentions.
Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy
Topic : The use of Intention & Non-doing
Location : Melbourne, Australia
Date : 13-16 March 2025
Time : Thursday - Saturday 9.30am - 5.30pm ; Sunday 9.30am -4pm
Fee : 800 Au
Prerequisites : 2 year diploma qualification as a Cranio-Sacral Therapist​​
Tutor : Andy Pike
Topic : Use of Intention & Non-doing
Location : Auckland, New Zealand
Date : 24-27 April 2025
Time : Thursday - Saturday 9.30am - 5.30pm ; Sunday 9.30am -4pm
Fee : 800 NZ
Prerequisites : 2 year diploma qualification as a Cranio-Sacral Therapist
Tutor : Andy Pike
Topic : The Gut
Location : Pomona, Australia
Date : 5-8 June 2025
Time : Thursday - Saturday 9.30am - 5.30pm ; Sunday 9.30am -4pm
Fee : 800 Au
Prerequisites : 2 year diploma qualification as a Cranio-Sacral Therapist
Tutor : Andy Pike
Topic : Use of Intention & Non-doing
Location : Singapore
Date : 20-23 Nov 2025
Time : Thursday - Saturday 9.30am - 5.30pm ; Sunday 9.30am -4pm
Fee : 800 SGD
Prerequisites : 2 year diploma qualification as a Cranio-Sacral Therapist
Tutor : Andy Pike
Topic : The Gut
Location : Bengaluru, India
Date : 27-30 November 2025
Time : Thursday - Saturday 9.30am - 5.30pm ; Sunday 9.30am -4pm
Fee : 600 CAD
Prerequisites : 2 year diploma qualification as a Cranio-Sacral Therapist
Tutor : Andy Pike
List of post graduate Body Intelligence courses
Use of Intention & Non-Doing
Refining biodynamic touch and perception skills requires an orientation to deep health that includes a connection with a relational field of dynamic stillness. To achieve this it needs the practitioner to let go of the familiar so that the body can truly unfold itself without containment from the practitioners subtle intentions.
The essence of nature is undivided. Nothing needs to be done in order for it to be whole. However, the human habit of ‘doing’ results in an inevitable division as the ‘doer’ has separated from the whole to try and alter something. For example, when a therapist applies a technique, with the intention of fixing a problem, the habit to ‘do’ fragments the inherent nature of a relational field.
We are caught up in our conditioning and that leads us to narrow the health possibilities for the client. By understanding that our habitual use of intention (or doing) derives from our own patterns of prior experience provides a great insight. This insight is to ’see’ beyond the limitations of that which is familiar and illuminate the nature of the unknown. Such insight involves a deep felt-sense enabling a relational field which begets physiologic balance.
Are we as BCST practitioners aware of these subtle intentions?
Is there a remedy for such habitual intention?
Can we be ok with freedom from the known in this context?
What is just knowing?
How do we invite non-doing?
This post graduate seminar will explore:
The ramifications of intention
Differing level’s of doing in the therapeutic setting
The client needing to do something
Letting go of doing (noticing rather than intention to let go)
Thought, identification and the subtle nature of intention
Experiencing versus Experience
Felt-sense hormesis and sensation based equanimity
Understanding different approaches to non-doing
Dynamic stillness & perception beyond the senses (including thought)
Freedom from the known & compassion
Brain in Depth
This workshop will explore the deep core nuclei of the brain. Distinguish between grey and white matter - the way the brain is formed into cortex and fibre tracts and basal nuclei. The brain has the most remarkable neural flows and hot spots of activities. Each area of the brain will be mapped and discussed to create a supersensitive touch that enables you to differentiate areas and flows of the brain. In addition, exploring new research on the flow of CSF not just around the brain but washing through it. Neuroglial cells and neural stem cells will also be explored.
Glymphatic system
New research on glial cells and stem cells
Deep fibre tracts and the corpus collosum
Basal nuclei, insula, pre-frontal cortex
Limbic system in depth
Mapping key cortical centres
Feeling neurons and neurotransmitters
Brain plasticity and relational touch
Gut & Microbiome
This course teaches the relationship of guts to midline in specific detail with regards to the autonomic midline, lymphatic midline, and arterial and venous midlines. Exploring the ever expanding researched Gut-Brain-Axis, and the implicit relationship of the gut biome and mucosa on neurological health.
This will lead us into exploring some poignant relationships for clinical consideration.
the embryological formation of the guts and nervous system, and how these midlines developed together with particular focus on endoderm, (early gut tube) and ectoderm (fluid midline)
the trauma response in hyperarousal and freeze in the light of these anatomical relationships
the enteric nervous system is presented and considered as an independently functioning nervous system.
the neurotransmitters that are produced and located in the gut are explored in terms of their possible responsibility in supporting psychological and neurological health.
viscerosomatic reflexes and the connection between specific viscera and spinal nerves, and facilitated segments arising from irritated or dysfunctional viscera…and vice versa.
an essential learning about restoring health to the mucousa and microbiome of the gut.
Delving into the world of organs, their motility, and sphincters as gateways from each individual ecosystem that generates a health of this whole internal and fascinating creature.
Immune System
Info to come
Info to come
For more information see: