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Intention and Non-Doing in Therapeutic Bodywork
By Andrew James Pike

Intention and Non-Doing

Exploring the Buddhist/Taoist concept of non-doing and intention in relation to bodywork, this book focuses on how the therapist should approach their client without agenda and meet them where they are at. This requires the therapist to pay attention to their own surfacing intentions and leave assumptions behind so they may focus on simple 'being' which is a profoundly active, non-reactive expression of presence, rather than a passive state of resignation.


The ramifications of subconscious doing and wilful intention can negatively impact expressions of health and so the author explains how therapists may skillfully navigate between intention, attention and embodied non-doing whilst treating clients, and how this creates the foundation for safe relational touch.


$41.99  |  Pbk  |  240pp


Singing Dragon |  2021.09

"Andrew Pike condenses, in a brilliant manner, complex and often confusing subjects of intention and sensations. Promoting slowing down, being aware and noticing are very difficult and under-appreciated practices in our fast-paced global society. He explains how these human experiences should be considered an essential practice and not a simple luxury." David Berceli, Ph.D., CEO of Trauma Recovery Services and Creator of Tension and Trauma Releasing Exercises (TRE)

About the Author:

Andrew is a registered biodynamic craniosacral therapist, physiotherapist, yoga therapist and breath-work teacher specialising in the treatment and management of post-traumatic stress. Based in the Sunshine Coast of Australia he has extensive experience having worked in various settings such as hospitals, yoga schools, neurological care units, military outpatients, university clinics and private practice.

*Not to be used in conjunction with any other offer/discount. Price and availability are subject to change without notice. Postage $7.00 per order. AU/NZ orders only.

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By Ged Sumner & Steve Haines 

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