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Weekly evening Cranioga meditation classes
(link press here)
Every Thursday evening - 6pm until 7.15pm - in Cooran

1 & 3 day Cranioga meditation retreats
(link press here)
Recommended for people who have discovered the benefit of taking time out to help re-source the body and mind. The 1 & 3 day retreats are designed to encourage a settling of the mind, in a balanced and connected manner, sufficient to restore the body's physiologic intelligence and promote the dissipation of unnecessary survival mechanisms, which are often cycling in peoples background physiology. The retreat is organised in a way which helps to develop the insight of embodied stillness in the mornings and take this felt-sense insight into social engagement and non-doing (biodynamic) craniosacral treatment in the afternoons. When an individual silently opens up to the intelligent presence of their body for an extended period, and then later provides embodied non-doing contact (no agenda/labelling/judgement) with another, it generally gives the recipient a sense of rebalancing, revitalisation and reconnection with natures subtle potency.

Practitioners Cranioga
meditation retreats (1 day & 3 day)
(link press here)
Recommended for bodyworkers and somatic psychotherapists who have integrated and attuned a subtler way of treating people, such as: biodynamic craniosacral therapists, ortho-bionomy practitioners, somatic experiencing practitioners, acupuncturists, yoga therapists and established yoga teachers who incorporate touch and manual adjustments (also; osteo's, physio's, chiro's and massage practitioners who have developed a whole body 'listening' perspective and approach)

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