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Promoting the

Expression of Health

The therapy creates a safe space for patterns of experience to emerge and resolve smoothly without being overwhelming 

Intention and Non-Doing

Andy's latest book on Intention and Non-Doing available online!


Exploring the Buddhist/Taoist concept of non-doing and intention in relation to bodywork, this book focuses on how the therapist should approach their client without agenda and meet them where they are at. Pre-order your copy of Andy's book by clicking the button below.

About Cranioga

Cranioga is a gentle form of hands-on therapy which encourages the body to move beyond patterns of restriction, overwhelm and trauma

It is a bodywork therapy helps enhance receptivity and function of the tissue/fluids of the body whilst helping to waken the inherent vitality deeply seated at the core of everyone



It inspires me to witness the shifts in people when they reorient their perspective from trying to change this or that, to one which is intimate with the vitality of change itself


Over the years I have been involved in this work I have always been blown away by the inherent potential each individual has to express health. 

Yet I have been equally amazed at how dormant this potential can remain if it is not acknowledged (met) in the right way.


It was a revelation for me when I managed to understand how to establish a relational field of support sufficient for another to express health.

I am happy to share this with you.


"Give yourself to the experience of seeing rather than to the object seen and you will find yourself everywhere."

Rupert Spira, Contemplating the Nature of Experience

Meet  Andy Pike

Andy Pike - Cranioga


What People Say

"The Use of Intention and Non-Doing has been for me a profound deepening into understanding the relevance of non-doing and the essence of the work of Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy.

As a therapist, my felt-sense awareness of body sensations both within myself and the client has been heightened, vitality and changes are more pronounced to be witnessed as they rising and passing and the potency of the work has been amplified. 


What an honour! To be sharing the qualities of the teachings of use of intention and non-doing with clients has made the practice more tangible, alive.

Andy's passion for his teachings shines through, magnifying his generous transmissions within the Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy Sangha. Thank you Andy for all that you share and ignite with and within others."


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